Working together makes all the difference

Focusing on Your Business

If you’re looking for help with:

  • Recruitment, Onboarding and Retention

  • Teambuilding with a difference

  • Learning and Development

  • Reward and Celebration

  • Wellbeing

  • Competitions and Challenges

At KAIZ3N, we don’t just do events. 

Our approach is to design a programme for you that really gets to the heart of what you need for your team to grow and thrive.

It might be that your team needs to focus on teamworking because of the changes in how they work; hybrid working, working at home and new team members.

You might have gone through a restructure or expansion and need support making sure departments and teams have great internal relationships and communications.

Your team could be overstretched right now and need some help with their physical, social and mental wellbeing.
Recruitment and retention may be tricky; you might be thinking about how to make sure you identify high flyers and keep them with you

Or even better, your business is in fabulous shape and you’d like to reward your people with celebrations.

Learning and Development

Custom built team programmes to connect individuals and teams throughout the business; to drive your business forward and ensure continued growth & success. Your programme is designed to develop high performing teams, promoting personal and organisational growth. Your L&D programme will  be designed to maximise efficiency and effectiveness of teams through enhanced relationship and communication.

Promoting and enhancing:

  • Communication and trust

  • Confidence and resilience 

  • Leadership skills; future proofing the business

  • Collaboration and sharing of good practice  between individuals, teams and departments

  • Engagement, sense of belonging & organisational loyalty

  • Inspiration, innovation & ideas generation supporting organisational growth

  • Wellbeing - using the ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing’ Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning, Give.

  • Continuous Improvement Learning & Development programme options below adapted to suit your needs and outcomes. 

£POA - Learning and Development programmes are designed individually for each organisation.

Competitions and Challenges

  • Go Wild – work together in teams to problem solve, find markers and race to the finish as quickly as possible. A selection of venues indoor and outdoor to suit you.

  • Sports Days – traditional & non-traditional sports activities, including ‘Wacky Races’ relay style team games.

Wellbeing and Personal Development

Evidence shows that a small improvement in wellbeing can help help people to flourish and also to decrease some mental health problems. Based on The 5 Ways to Wellbeing*, KAIZ3N have created an impactful programme of wellbeing team challenges, workshops and online resources to promote fast team bonding & relationship building, boost mental health & resilience through connecting to each other and understand themselves, physical challenges, problem solving & learning, team awareness challenges and giving & sharing tasks.

Through our wellbeing programmes, we work closely with individuals and teams to enable and develop wellbeing skills and experiences; empowering people to make small changes  to improve resilience, confidence, mental & physical health. KAIZ3N wellbeing events are engaging, interactive, fast-paced and essential learning experiences to set solid wellbeing foundations for your team.

*The 5 Ways to Wellbeing  produced by the New Economics Foundation (NEF) on behalf of Foresight, sets out 5 actions to improve personal wellbeing: Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning & Give

Reward and Celebration

Business celebration events with KAIZ3N bring your team together to reward staff and to celebrate and recognise achievement. Our full event management service is personalised to meet your requirements and outcomes for your celebration event.

Celebrations are created especially for you, with ideas & branding including:

Themed / seasonal parties (Christmas parties, summer celebrations)

Awards evening and staff recognition events

Sports days

Family fun days

Charity & fundraising events & challenges

All Team+ events & programmes include:

  • Dedicated Events Manager to organise and evaluate all aspects of the smooth running of your event, including the venue, catering, special or additional requirements - ensuring excellent ROI

  • Equipment, music, prizes for winners and recognition for all participants, photographs of the event. Publicity including press releases, social media and website updates.

  • Full peace of mind - comprehensive insurance & risk management 

Half day celebration event from £2750